Chapter 5 : Section 4
Assessing Child's Needs and Preparing for an Adoptive Home
The Department shall ensure that a child's needs are fully assessed prior to selecting a family and placing the child for adoption.
The race, color, or national origin of the child may not be considered in the caregiver decision unless the individualized assessment of the child's needs requires such consideration.
Assessing the Needs of a Child
Consider the following factors when assessing the living arrangement and caregiver needs of a child:
characteristics of the child, including age, gender, religion, primary language, physical, emotional, social and educational needs;
child's history, including previous caregivers, ties to current or past out-of-home caregivers, experience with bonding and attachment;
child's relationships with relatives, siblings, foster parents or other significant adults;
parent's preferences regarding caregivers (The parent's preference regarding race, color or national origin shall not be considered); and
child's preference regarding potential caregivers.
Gather information by:
completing and reviewing the Child Information Form, CSO-1045A;
reviewing the recommendations of other professionals who have worked with the child;
talking to the child about his/her understanding and feelings of adoption, and preferences for an adoptive family;
talking to current and past out-of-home caregivers about the child’s strengths, interests, special needs, routines, parenting needs and any other information that may be helpful in determining the child’s needs; and
making a preliminary determination of the child's eligibility for adoption subsidy.
See procedures in Adoption Subsidy Eligibility, Application Review, and Appeals.
If the child has or is at risk of the following conditions, obtain an evaluation from one or more professionals regarding the impact of the condition on the child's needs:
developmental disability;
emotional or behavioral disorder;
physical disease or disability; and
mental illness or disability.
If there is any reason to know that the child is American Indian or has any American Indian ancestry, see Placement Preferences of an Indian Child and Permanency Planning for an Indian Child for additional information. Consult the DCS Supervisor and, if necessary, an Assistant Attorney General if there is any question about the child's status as American Indian or the requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Preparing for an Adoptive Home
The DCS Specialist and others may help the child prepare for an adoptive home in a variety of ways, including:
engaging in individual activities with the child, as appropriate to the child's age and condition, to develop a trusting relationship;
allowing the child to express their feelings, worries and desires;
discussing the child’s needs during the CFT or staffing process, with the current and former out-of-home caregivers, and other significant persons to determine appropriate strategies to prepare the child for adoption;
using the CFT process to determine what services and supports will be beneficial to the child to prepare them for adoption;
routinely talking with the child about their interests, likes, wants and wishes;
encouraging all team members to support the child during the transition to an adoptive home and keep them informed of progress;
working with the biological parents, if they are still in contact with the child, informing them of the adoption process, and encouraging them to help prepare the child for a new adoptive home; and
communicating with professional treatment providers, such as therapists or medical doctors, so that they can provide support to the child and guidance to team members who are participating in the preparation process.
Document the following items in a Note:
conversations with the child about preparation for adoption;
results of CFTs or other staffings; and
conversations of team members.
To prepare for an adoptive home, ensure the child’s Person Record contains updated information under the following tabs:
File in the hard copy record:
Current medical and psychological information on the child and birth parent, if applicable
Current picture of the child

25 U.S.C. § 1901 et seq. The Indian Child Welfare Act
P.L. 104-188. Interethnic Provisions of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996
P.L. 105-89. Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997
A.A.C. R21-5-413. Adoptable Child: Assessment and Service Plan